X-Joint FHD-SF
Heavy-duty expansion joint for use in car parks, warehouses and ramps.

X-Joint FMD2-SF
Medium duty expansion joint for use in areas subject to heavy pedestrian and slow-moving vehicular traffic.

X-Joint FRA-SF
Extruded expansion joint for heavy
pedestrian and slow-moving vehicular traffic. Installed after completion of the final floor finish.

X-Joint FFJ-BS
Large movement seismic expansion joint for use with thin floor finishes, such as tile, vinyl, or carpet, with the minimum effect of the appearance of the floor. Installed beneath the floor screed.

X-Joint FHD-BS
High load capacity flush fit expansion joint for use on industrial floors subject to slow-moving traffic (cars, trucks, forklifts, trolleys, etc).

X-Joint FMD-BS
Medium load capacity flush fit expansion joint for floors in areas subject to heavy pedestrian and slow moving cars. Installed beneath the screed.

X-Joint CPS-R
High movement (seismic) expansion joint covers for use in car parks and areas subject to vehicular traffic.

X-Joint ClipStrip
Range of extruded aluminum joint covers that are suitable for use in a wide range of internal and external applications in commercial, institutional and industrial buildings.

X-Joint FMD-SF
Extruded anodized aluminum joint covers for floors in areas with heavy pedestrian traffic.

X-Joint FRA-BS
Extruded expansion joint for heavy pedestrian. Installed beneath the screed.

X-Joint CPS-S
High movement (seismic) expansion joint covers for use in car parks and areas subject to vehicular traffic. Installed beneath the screed.